Supporting NerdSloth

NerdSloth relies on the generous support of our listeners to keep the feeds running; and there are a number of ways you can add to that support including the purchase of merch from the NerdSloth store from our partners at TeePublic, becoming a NerdSloth Treehouse member by pledging a monthly donation through Patreon (where even the lowest tier has access to over 375 hours of bonus content), or through a one-time donation via PayPal. Every coin goes to help support the shows and hosts so we can keep brgining you the podcasts you love!

Thank you to our Treehouse Members!

Jeremy Howson, JackFaux, Tom Davern, EpicOtter, Doc_Trancy, Giraffe_of_Betrayal, Sam Horton, Ben Grimm, Screw Zelink, Straya, Some_Man_Tiks, Fernando Winegar, Anthony Debruhl, NXgamer, David Berron, 80sPowerExtreme, Eric Greep, Esdeem, Xelz, EVVSS, CeAlCuadrado, Anthony D!