About NerdSloth

At our core, NerdSloth is a small family of creative people that have chosen to work together and create content to entertain anyone interested in all the things we love. We typically share our love, passion, and ideas through content such as podcasts or videos on YouTube! As the first half of our name implies, we tend to drift towards the usual areas of what you might associate with a nerd: Games, Movies, TV, Comics, etc. However, it’s not all about that.

Those who know us well tend to see us nerd out heavily on anything close to our hearts like mental health, culture, scary stories, and much more! So now you might be wondering, “What about the Sloth part of the name”? It’s not JUST because sloths are one of the coolest, cuddliest animals out there, because that is fact and cannot be disputed. The reason is because it helps remind us to chill out and take life as it comes.

All of us at NerdSloth are generally very laid-back, casual people. In fact most of us are very introverted, believe it or not, which means we tend to get a bit on the anxious side from time to time, especially when we have a lot of projects and shows all going on at once. Connecting with our “inner-sloth” helps us to calm down, focus, and look for the most efficient ways to do some of the more mundane work so we can spend more time enjoying all the creative bits that we love!

Our History

The roots of NerdSloth took hold in 2013 when Joseph Lambert, an avid Kevin Smith fan, decided to start up a podcast network with various friends, including Shaddai Berron and her brother David Berron. The name of this network was awful, hard to spell, and generally confusing to everyone that heard it. About a year later, with several podcasts running on the network, Joseph was looking to connect with others to push the platform and grow their audience. He noticed a quirky twitter account offering free reviews and promotion of independent Ips solely for the love of being involved in the overall nerd community. Joseph reached out and introduced himself to the man behind the account, Chris Koehne.

Chris wrote a blog review for one of the podcasts (he remembers Joseph cried a lot in that particular episode), and pushed it hard on social media. Sensing a kindred spirit, Joseph reached out once again and invited Chris to guest on another podcast to which Chris readily agreed even though he had no idea what he was doing. They had a great time and the two struck up and quick and deep friendship.

Joseph continued to encourage Chris to start his own podcast, and although the format was very loose and the show very unprofessional and horribly NSFW, Chris had a great time hosting with Joseph and another close friend at his side. After a particular episode of their first podcast together received much more attention and positive feedback than they were used to, Chris had the idea to spin the topic of that episode off into a brand new podcast which became known as Saturday Morning Cartoon Boom.

With some of the other shows on the network drawing to a close and other hosts and personalities moving on with Joseph and Chris now both leading the majority of the work, the network felt very different from where it had begun. The team that was left needed a fresh start that would allow growth and serve as something more identifiable, and describe the personalities of the loveable goofballs behind the scenes. This fresh start was NerdSloth.