The Spoony Awards II (2020) – SMCB 230

CARTOON BOOM PODCAST: This Saturday morning, Joseph and Chris take a look back at all of the cartoons they watched in the year 2020, and hand out their 8 individual, cereal-rific awards. Welcome, everyone, to The 2nd Annual Spoonies!

  1. The First Bite Award (Best Intro)
  2. The Still Crunchy Award (Most Nostalgic)
  3. The Shiny Spoon Award (Best Design/Animation)
  4. The Stale Marshmallow Award (Biggest Disappointment)
  5. The Surprise Inside Award (Biggest Surprise)
  6. The Dirty Spoon Award (Worst)
  7. The Silver Spoon Award (Best Movie)
  8. The Golden Spoon Award (Best Overall)

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  1. While I did enjoy last years Spoony Awards, it was nice that you didn’t have about 200 shows and movies to sort through and look back on.

    I agree with a lot of your choices like Ducktales for best intro, Klaus as best movie, and Sonic Underground for worst cartoon. X-Men Evolution would be a top contender for most nostalgic as it’s such a great show for all the reasons Chris mentioned. However, for me personally, I would give that award to a something that turned out to be better than I remembered it being, and for me that was Eek! The Cat.

    While I’m not saying it’s better than Kipo or Primal’s animation/art direction, I think some consideration should also be giving to Rugrats just for how out there and creative some of the designs were.

    If we’re just going by the three episodes you watched for the show, then I would say my choice for best cartoon would be Ducktales 2017. If we’re considering all episodes then I’d still probably give it to Ducktales 2017 but I’d also consider Fillmore! for it’s clever writing and affectionate satire of 70’s cop shows.

    All this talk of Sonic Underground and how they use music as a weapon, reminded me of how awful it was when the Ninja Turtles tried the same thing with that Coming Out of Their Shells tour, and made me wonder which is worse. Personally, I’d say Sonic Underground was worst because at least some of the songs in Coming Out of Their Shells were fun bad, plus I must admit I find Pizza Power to be a fun, catchy song, that was even used in Turtles in Time.

    Speaking of fun bad, I’m looking forward to the Donkey Kong Country episode.

    • As small as the pool was this year compared to the previous… I had a WAY harder time choosing winners this time around because the good ones were REALLY good. Also, maybe for some extra fun Joseph and I will host a watch party sometime of Coming Out of Their Shells. That’d be ridiculous.

      • I’m surprised to hear that it was harder for you to pick winners this year as there are some really good shows in those 200 episodes (Life With Louie, King of the Hill, The Tick, Megas XLR, just to name a few). Then again, this year had things like X-Men Evolution, Ducktales 2017, Primal, Flapjack, and Sym-Bionic Titan, so I can see how it would be a tight race.

        I would absolutely love to see a watch party for Coming Out of Their Shells. Everything associated with that tour, from the making of video, to the talk show appearances, to the actual show itself is a gold mine of comedy.

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