Count Duckula (1988) – SMCB 224

: This Saturday morning, Joseph and Chris watched Count Duckula, from 1988. This was chosen by GeekdomAhoy & Caitlynn Ward! Thank you both!

1. First Episode: No Sax Please, We’re Egyptian! (S1E01)
2. Highest Rated: The Ghost of McCastle McDuckula (S1E11)
3. Joseph’s Pick: There Are Werewolves At The Bottom of Our Garden (S3E05)

The misadventures of a vegetarian vampire duck and his servants.

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  1. Sorry but this cartoon just isn’t for me, which is a shame because I’ve enjoyed other Cosgrove Hall cartoons like Danger Mouse and Avenger Penguins.

    I’m definitely more with Joseph than Chris on this one, though I’d probably rate it even lower than him (I’d give it 2 and a half, maybe even 2, stars).

    This show’s method for humor seems to be just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks, and admittedly some of it did stick for me, like the Anubis joke and the ‘mutter mutter mutter’ joke. However, this just made the humor seem manic and unfocused and left me feeling exhausted after each episode. I just wish they would’ve just let a joke sit for a moment or two instead of immediately moving on to the next one.

    While I will not be watching any more of this show I will be watching that intro and end credit sequence again, as they were both fantastic.

    Also, I’m glad Joseph mentioned the Marvel comics explaining that the ketchup allows him to be out in the sun, because that really bugged me when I watched these episodes.

    • Very fair. I really enjoyed this episode because Joseph and I are usually like spot on in agreeance on how we feel about stuff but this one we definitely looked at in different directions which was kinda refreshing. Regardless, the one thing I will never concede on: candy houses are bad ideas.

      • I can agree with that, you two agree with each other so much that it is refreshing to hear when you have different opinions. Now I haven’t watched every episode you two have done but the only show I can think of where you two had a difference of opinion on was ReBoot, and maybe the Men in Black cartoon, to a lesser degree.

        I’m sure there’s some pros to having a candy house, but I honestly can’t think of any. Sure, you could eat it but then you’re homeless.

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SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON BOOM PODCAST: This Saturday morning, Joseph and Chris watched Count Duckula, from 1988. This was chosen by GeekdomAhoy & Caitlynn Ward! Thank you both! 1. First Episode: No Sax Please, We're Egyptian! (S1E01)2. Highest Rated: The Ghost of McCastle McDuckula (S1E11)3. Joseph's...Count Duckula (1988) - SMCB 224