[NS] Chris

497 episodes
Host of Cartoon Boom, Party in Peril, and many other NerdSloth endeavors.

Zero Hour – Overwatch 2 Announcement and Lore

OVERWATCH 2 HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED! Catch this episode of Know the Lore: Overwatch to hear about everything we know so far regarding the story and background of the new Overwatch sequel...

S1E14 Fish that Fight Back

The group find themselves locked in battle against a battalion of fishy foes as they are reunited after Shepard's jailbreak. But will they all survive??? No, seriously... one of them will...

S1E13 Things That Go Boom

Jek and Sheppard find something suspicious aboard the ship, while someone else tries to sabotage the voyage. Is Sheppard to blame? Do fish people exit? Listen and find out! Party in Peril...

S1E12 Captain Smells a Rat

Our group finds themselves on a ship heading to Fort Whitley after a mysterious visitor from Pondolous speaks to Captain Stein and speeds up the shipping schedule. Shepard continues to struggle...

S1E11 Sheppard’s Curse Revealed

Whelp... Jek is a wererat. Yeah that happened... the group deal with the ramifications from the battle they just fought as Sheppard has some shocking information for Jek... he isn't actually...