After years of waiting, we finally know the mysterious 6th founding member of Overwatch, Liao, and the origins of the equally mysterious and exciting new character previously only seen in Blizzard...
Avadore gets to know her sister and Jek learns a new trick on the way to Rycene where they face a puzzle that reveals something big about Avadore's ancestry confirmed by...
Jek, Avaore, and Sara cobble together their money for a new ship and interview several mysterious characters as they look for new shipmates to continue on their journey. One of them...
One of the most stressful times of anyone's life is buying their first home. All your finances are under the microscope which means any issues are being brought to light. As...
Jek, Avadore, and company just can't seem to catch a break. While already beaten down, and Sheppard out of commission, what do they do when The Order, The Hands, and Stein's...