Chris is now an old man who receives a letter, packs up his things, and begins a journey across an epic and beautiful landscape, manipulating and bending the hills as he...
Chris is an angsty assassin with a growing number of targets with no rhyme or reason. Watch him blast through walls, crash cars, and generally lose his mind in one of...
Chris becomes a janitor who stumbles into a mysterious story of time-travel, murder, and the impending apocalypse.
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NerdSloth recommended Podcast, Recording, & Streaming Gear
Spartachr1s PC/Set Up ►► Streaming...
Chris is a baby who is bad at games so he throws his poop as spiders begin to attack him in this free indie game and spiritual successor to Cuphead, Spiders...
Chris becomes a janitor who stumbles into a mysterious story of time-travel, murder, and the impending apocalypse.
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NerdSloth recommended Podcast, Recording, & Streaming Gear
Spartachr1s PC/Set Up ►► Streaming...